To Fear Or Not To Fear That Is the Question


Have you ever realised how much fear pressures you? It makes everything seem so small and insignificant. All of a sudden, the all powerful God,who can do everything, seems so small. You start to worry because you think you are in control of your life, feeling as if you have to take care of everything and that you will miss something. Trust me, you’re not missing anything! God isn’t small!! In fact, He is so in control! You aren’t gonna miss anything He has planned for your life.

Sometimes, it becomes so bad that you think God doesn’t care about you. But He does. He loves you ever so much and wants what’s best. But patience isn’t always our strong suit. As soon as something we want to happen doesn’t happen immediately, we turn into those mothers that panic that their child didn’t answer their phone when they called….and the child is at school and can’t answer the phone during class. Not picking on the moms, but we all have our irrational moments of fear.

You know what’s the most repeated commandment from God is?  Fear Not Because He knew exactly how you were gonna feel. Whenever we feel terrible, whenever we cry, He feels the pain and cries with us. I know you feel afraid and helpless, but God knows exactly how you feel and He is not idle. Don’t feel ashamed, more scared, or sad about how you feel. Instead,reach out to God, take a deep breath, and know that He is God. God’s going to bless you, fear will be over. You won’t be scared anymore when you come to God.

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

1 John 4:18


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